Recently, a class of second graders were given the challenge of writing a poem using the five senses to describe color. Mixed media came into play as they illustrated with magazine clippings while working on their own drawings. They had fun thinking about what a color “smells” or “sounds” like. Reading about this experience inspired me to exhibit a group of working artists who use their imagination, memories and observations from real life while realizing their interpretations of color. We have bold figurative and abstract pieces that use one base color and highlight other hues to enhance their inventiveness. I had another lightbulb moment while observing one of our artist’s work and the actual light from my lamp burned out. After researching what establishes color, I realized it has to do with the property of light. Light can change the hue of color as well as enhance the richness of mediums used, hence “Chroma.” This is the property of light that allows us to visualize color or we would be in total darkness. Art and color is subjective so, during this art exhibition, all of us involved in “Chroma” hope to learn about your interpretations of color, how it affects your life and the world in which we live.